Asgiri Pirivena

Asgiri mahaviharaya is the Buddhist priesthead office with a continuous Buddhist generation three had been traditional Buddhist priest education system, form begging. But as time passed in the changing political, economical, and social background the education systems too changed. gradually The Rjakeeya Panditvidyavisaradhda Maha Vihara wansika ven. Haliyale Sumanatissa Thero of the Shamopali Maha Nikaya establishes this Pirivenna (the buddhst education institutes for priest) in the decade of 1950.

The historic Asgiriya Maha Viharaya which had been a religious center for Buddhist all over the world was lacking a Pirivana. Hon Yatawatte Dhrmakeerthi Dhrmarathnabhidhana Maha Nayaka Thero of the Asgiriya MahaViharaya taking full support from and the main working committee , Our Guru Haliyale Sri Sumanatissa Anunayake thero established this Pirivena on July 31st 1958 from then it was called Asgiri Maha Pirivana moved towards progression by day by dayand became Vidyaattna Pirivena within a short period as a result of the” Guru Anunayake”thero on 25th March 1961.The first prize giving and the certificate presentation function the participation of both Mahanayaka of Asgirya and Malwatte chapters with the rapid development of the Pirivana its space was not enough. In 1964 Hon. Priminister of the republic Sri Lanka Mrs.SrimavoDies Badaranayake presented the “Mount Area” Bungalow and land surrounding it. This donation is an everlasting memory in the history of Privena.OurAnunayakaThero of taking the use of this donation well, according to Buddhist dispensation and education, time and again erected new buildings and repaired the old ones.

Today classes are being conducted from grad one of the Privena,to”prachena” finals and G,C.E(A .L). Giving much pleasure to us the background of the Privenais set so as to obtain a skilful knowledge in “Parachena and Prathichithe” languages. Rajakeeya PanditSatrrapathi Madowita Pungnarama thero who was the directorgeneral of the Pirivena education and the present director general Privena of education Ven Walaswewe Gnarathena thero must be specially mentioned here. To fulfil social tasks better lounges like Pali,sanskreit, Tamil and English and modern subjects like computer and electronic suitable for a scientific world are prescribed have our intuition achieved a very high level progression in the curriculum. The English language section which was aimed to fulfil the religious needs of the local and foreign Buddhist society must be specially mentioned here.

53 Years After The Establishment Of Our Institution

In the “DeyataKirurala” exhibition 2010 the Pirivena stall of the Department of Education presented under the theme “SivurakaWaruna” was highly praised by local and foreign people as widening the knowledge and became popular.

To holding the Pirivena “Sanjani” literary festivals to develop creative skills of the student.

Providing our academic assistance to large number of students and editing “Nenasa” academic amazing aiming the Prachena education section and the advanced level.

 Holding the “Dham Suba Mandapaya”, for the priest aiming to provide not only the knowledge in languages but only the knowledge in the languages but also to create a set of priest with a sound knowledge of religion and discussing various ”Suthras“ in the “Tripitaka”

There are various programms such as “Dharma Dessana”,”Bodhi Puja”,Budda Puja”, chanting of “Pirith”and by residential and nonresidential student priests .There are about 350 student priests and this programme is aims to from a set of Buddhist priests that is suitable for the country.
Day by day the number of student priests who joined our pirivena escalated.Erecting a four-story building which was needed for long time provided better hostel facilities and other work in education. Starting to build a new Stupa adding beauty to the Kandy town must be mentioned here. I thankwith great respect the “Mahaviharawansika” UdugamaShaharmakeerthi Sri DahammadassiRathenapalaBuddharakithabidhhna our MahanayakaThero of the ShamopaliMahanikaya,Asgiri chapter ,who always wished the progression of the MahaViharaMahaPirivena must be thanked with respect.

A vast amount of money has to be allocated for about 200 priests of our Pirivena for theirfacilities and welfare affairs. Even among difficulties, understanding the aim of the institution a lot of help is provided by the followers their encouragement and support is highly appreciatedwith a fine dispensation.

Centralizing this Pirivena a vast amount of national, religious and academic services had been done. As a result a vast number of priests and non-priests who emerged from AsgiriMahaviharaPirivena have spread around the world and render a vast amount of Buddhist dispensation and social activities.

A large number of students who serve in universities and administrative fields contribute a grade service to the country.
Many well learned priests who studies under the shade of the high priest can be seen holding the leadership of many Vihars and, performing religious and social duties throughout the country.

 This was possible because of the dedication and devotion of our high priest, who was the precursor of this project. In about the 1980 decade our high priest became seriously ill. Due to various difficulties that had to be faced the standard of the Pirivena declined. In 1988 when priest died, it was a Privena for name shake only. In 1991 our Privena underwent a period of a renaissance with the support of our high priest’s student priest, Ven. Haliyale Gnanawimala Nahimi, Ven.Madiwaka Dewasiri Thero, and Ven. Poppitiye Sri SumangalaThero this situation has given us great pleasure. And Ven Rabukpothe Rthanasara,Godamunne Rthanapala ,Ven. Abanpola Ghanawimala Nayaka Thero,Ven. Devahandiye Punghasekara Nayaka Thero highly who blest us sincerely must be respectfully and deeply commemorated whole heatedly.The support is given by Mr.A.Adikari who was the director general of Piriven education at that time, Mr.S.Gamage and the Central Province inspector Ven. Atheriyagala Sumathi Thero and other officers must be thankfully mentioned here. In 1991 our students who sat for the basic Piriven examination obtained very high results. Taking all these into consideration our MahaviraPirivena into MahaPrivenafrom the year of 1998.The support is given by the Central Province Deputy Director of education Ven.SahtrapathiHenepolaNandasiriThero was very great.53 years after the establishment of Asgiriya Maha Privena it was decided to have an annual prize-giving and a certificate presentation function. It gives much pleasure to the participation of Glagama Sri Dahammadassi Dammananda Mahavirara Wansika the Ven. Anunayaka of Shamopali Maha Nikaya in the Asgiriya chapter, The high priest Ven. Niyangoda Dammakeerthi Sri Sangharakkithe Vijithasiri dhabidhanaand Ven.DibulKubure Sri SaranankaraWimaladhabidhana Mahanayaka Theros of MahaViharaand the assistant director of education Ven. Shastrapathi Bulathgama Upananda and the provincial priests (MahaSangha ) in this occasion and the participation of the Central Province Governor Hon.Tikiri Kobekaduwa the DiyawadanaNilame of the Temple of Tooth Relic Hon. NilangaDela and other distinguished guests to this occasion are highly appreciated.

THE Administrative Structure Of The Pirivena
The process of learning and the administrative structure of our Pirivena is well planed. The co-curricular activities and subject-related activities are systematically done. Basically, it is presented in two ways. The education administration and education development. This program is carried on by the KruthhyadikariThero, the Pirivenadhikari Thero , the assistant PirivendipathiThero, sectional heads, subject heads, student leaders, assistant student leaders, class leaders and the assistant. For this task the support of the well experience highly well qualified staff is obtained. The skillsand the abilities of the staff (priests and non-priests) are taken to consideration and administrative structure is set accordingly, into the subject-related and co-curricular sections. In addition to this a set of component senior students who have shown special skills in education has been employed to carry out the work.

The Progressions Of The Students

The MahaviharaMahaPirivena achieving victories competition sponsored by Government and other sectors is matter that brings about joy to the improve the academic knowledge, religious knowledge ethical dispensation and religious practices of the students in competitive level ,student associations English literary association are employed. This also improve the skills in the above mentioned activities. Encouraging the students and leading them systematically is conducted by staff. There is a scheme of wok to carry on the work of Pirivea formally and systematically in all grads. This is carried on through class leaders under the supervision of teachers in charge of the grades. These are about 200 residential student priest. Their administration is operated to develop the ethics of the Buddhist dispensation. Special attention is taken to lead student Priests’ attention over the above mentioned qualities.

Within the last 20 years our Pirivena was able to guide students to obtain passes with distinction in Government recognized examination as the “Prachena” and G.C.E.(A.L).