Monks’ Education
Although members of the Order are subject to the code of discipline and have renounced all but the most basic possessions, they retain the freedom to express their views. The system is highly democratic. Important decisions are normally made collectively and only after all the members have had the opportunity to air their views.
At first, education in Buddhist monasteries was confined to the study of topics on Buddhist Teaching like the basic doctrines, the rules of discipline and the tales of the deeds of the Buddha in His former lives. Gradually, however, Buddhist monastic education became more comprehensive in scope. In the great Buddhist monastic universities of India, students were taught everything from Buddhist and non-Buddhist Philosophy to Grammar and Composition, Logic, Mathematics, Medicine and even the Fine Arts.
In an age when education was not yet the responsibility of the state, the Buddhist monastic universities played an important role in providing the people with an education. When Buddhism spread to other parts of Asia, various Buddhist monastic universities were established in China, Tibet and the Buddhist countries of Southeast Asia. Several of these are in existence even to this century.